Motion Particle Emitter-Sparkles-Magic Source Template

Motion Particle Emitter-Sparkles-Magic Source Template (December 05, 2016 06:09AM) philsfilm
Hi Ken,

I'm trying to Publish a Template from Motion of Particle Emitter-Sparkles-Magic Source to FCP X in which I save the parameters of the Emitter Controls and Cell Controls in order that I can control them in FCP X. However, as you can see from pic #1, "Publish" is grayed out. Therefore, when I publish the entire template, I do not have control over the individual elements in FCP X. The Random Motion and Scale for Life show me the "Publish" option in Motion (pic #s 2)  but don't come through in
FCP X within the generator's Published Parameters either.

Is there a way to make this happen?

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