Yes, I'm still using the old Mac G5 with Tiger. My mouse locked up while editing in FCP. I couldn't force quit the program and had to force quit the computer. The computer would start up again and the same problem happened and I had to force quit the computer again. Sometimes the computer would start and sometimes it would not start up.
What are the possible problems?
Re: G5 Question
(July 03, 2017 05:15AM)
Tom George
Thanks for the info. I have printed it out for future use as I had to take the computer in to the shop. They are running a diagnostic test on it now. They say it turns on when the side panel is off but will not turn on when the side panel is put back on. Strange situation.
Re: G5 Question
(July 05, 2017 09:01AM)
check the internal battery. I had similar issues which a battery replacement solved
Re: G5 Question
(July 05, 2017 10:16AM)
Tom George
Thanks for the info. It was the RAM that was causing the problem.