It has been ages and I no longer remember how to do this.
I have a ton of WMA files that need to be converted to Mpg3 or Aiff files. I have Transcribe which will do it one at a time but that will take forever with the amount of files I need to convert.
Does anyone have a better app and workaround for me?
BTW....I haven't been on in a very long time, so all the wonderful friends I made when interacting and writing for Ken, I say a big hello. I miss the old days.
Steve Douglas
Re: WMA. files
(September 27, 2020 10:54AM)
Joe Redifer
There is one on the app store called Music Converter Pro that I think works great! It's not free but I love it.
Hey Joe....this app, costing $10.00 is worth its weight in gold. Works like a charm, much thanks.
Re: WMA. files
(September 29, 2020 12:16PM)
Joe Redifer
Awesome, glad it worked out!