mini DV/HDV playback decks?

mini DV/HDV playback decks? (September 26, 2008 05:02AM) filmographer
As i am preparing to configure my new editing system I am tempted to get a deck in which to capture mini dv/HDV tapes that my clients give me. I have been using a consumer camcorder for all the mini dv tapes but now I am getting HDV tapes as well (mini dv) and my options are to buy a HDV camcorder and do what I have been doing for tape based clients or buy a deck (HDV/mini DV) and actually log and capture as opposed to capture now (never log and captured using a camcorder, thought it would fail).
What i would like to know from anyone out there is this:

1. A Google search only came up with the Sony deck, any other options?
2. Would a camcorder hold up to a log and capture workflow?
3. Any suggestions on both options?
Re: mini DV/HDV playback decks? (September 26, 2008 05:18AM) David Harbsmeier
Unfortunately, HDV isn't a universal format like DV. There are different flavors of HDV ... for example, a tape recorded in HDV in a JVC camera won't playback in a Sony HDV deck. You'd need a JVC deck or camera for playback.

Re: mini DV/HDV playback decks? (September 26, 2008 08:12AM) filmographer
Wow! That's a real limitation for an editor that receives work from many studios... what is the workaround to that?
Re: mini DV/HDV playback decks? (September 26, 2008 08:24AM) Ken Stone Admin
Just one of the many limitations of HDV.

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