Re: Export as 23.98 fps, QT says it is 19.37 fps
Export as 23.98 fps, QT says it is 19.37 fps
(December 15, 2016 09:36AM)
Weird thing happened, I exported a sequence from FCP 7, which was 23.98, as a QT movie and selected keep frame rate when exporting. When I open the the QT file in Quicktime, it says the frame rate is 19.37fps. When I bring the file back into FCP and get info, it states it is 23.98. What is this about?
Re: Export as 23.98 fps, QT says it is 19.37 fps
(December 15, 2016 12:34PM)
Joe Redifer
Can you attach a picture of the get info window of the Quicktime file?
Re: Export as 23.98 fps, QT says it is 19.37 fps
(December 16, 2016 01:50AM)
Attached is a screenshot of the QT info window.
Re: Export as 23.98 fps, QT says it is 19.37 fps
(December 16, 2016 02:29PM)
Joe Redifer
When you play the Quicktime, does it seem to play at that framerate? There should be a "playing fps" as it plays as well. If all seems well other than this particular number then I wouldn't worry much about it.